On-axis or off-axis in a smaller room (Swing)

by anubisgrau, Friday, March 14, 2008, 01:41 (5907 days ago) @ GC

GC, your answer is very much spot on. I came to very similar conclusion that the room is horizontally out of balance not only because it's not symmetrical but also because of a different furnishing left and right. And now you can clearly hear that the whole balance is moved to the left, although this is much less pronounced with the horns due to more of a direct sound from them than reflected. But they respond to moving and there are better and worse situations. I will gladly hear your thoughts about the most efficient and wife (and cats) friendly solutions for acoustic treatment - unfortunately despite the fact that my better part tremendously love the Swings and spends more time with them than me (due to the fact she's not employed), I still have certain limits how far I can go in turning a living room into a perfect acoustic space. No egg cartons and similar pls:grin:

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