Improvement on cd-players (Off Topic)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Monday, October 15, 2007, 23:50 (6058 days ago) @ Bert

Hallo Bert!

I just want to be case for example the transport dies...
Of course a lot of other components can cause Jitter.
Ok, a few components to change, like in the Tri Vista about 80 capacitors and 7 bridge rectifiers. Than keep the unit thermal stable, that means, not to switch it off and some work on the case. I´m using a lot of alloy foam... the unit is now about 5 kg heavier with all the applied damping material..
I use the same clock for transport and DAC.
I still have to change some digital ic´s for units better performing.
Also some work on the traGCsport to be done, to get rid of vibratins...
I think in one month time I´ll have the unit finished...

Best regards


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