Windows vs Linux: round 2 1/2 (Off Topic)

by GC, Monday, August 13, 2007, 06:38 (6122 days ago) @ PeterSt.


It is to my criterias of fruitfull trancending fact finding religion a summit meeting you all had. Not in the league of how to solve climatic changings on Mother Earth or to feed starving stomachs, preventing floodings and draught problems of this planet....but anyhow an event which should regularly happen.

It is as I see it, a laboratory of fact findings, which means much more to me than any Big Sony Blue Ray matrix data storage or earlier Phillips findings of the CD media possibilities....or for that sake 1000's of attemps to "sample" digital sound in religious ways and claim that to be a breakthrough for the next millenium to come. The last just to my standards a pile of "puke".

Eddie, Klaus, Bert, Peter, Wifes and barking dogs: Do that regularely. Make it a tradition to meet and exchange. There is only only one outcome of it:


It is a very good idea to have these meetings in one and the same place, such as Berts studio. There you find a pair of speakers, some amps and cables etc. that stay unchanged and all would get familiar with as a reference. (I did not say "the" reference. Just a reference among many).
Then I suddently see that each one of you conclude advantages and set-backs by the source givers in play, that it can only lead to improvements.

This is what I call progressive development. Thanks guys.

Have you ever thought about how important roles you are playing to break throughs to playback? Yes, of course you have, but maybe not in the sence that I preceive it?
Call it MS or Linux, tweaked or non tweaked PC platforms: It is the biggest break through I experienced for a decade at minimum for audio playback you actually are dealing with. (If you should have forgotten it).

Not a moment after the session Peter went straight to his PC environment and applied new settings offering more options to acheive what we all beleive will result in ultimates. That's really dedicated entuisiasm. Klaus worked hard on tweaking his Linux based playback since session 1. There you go.

Now this will likely show to be a (hopefully) never ending proces to the benefit of all and what I particular like about it is that this is an example of that no one is a God and true cutting edge overcommings only comes along when several people contributes. :heart:

Peter kindly mention me as a mostly "off liner" e-mail contributer on his Forum:;topicseen#msg891

Thanks Peter...and to understand it in a context it's caused by his and my exchange of ideas about the whole chain including likely un-understandable way of taking each our brains into the matter of music perception. CaNot belong even in a "way out of topic" category. Don't think so at least.

Conclusion: None...just go on pals as it is of most importance what you all deal with. :good:



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