What sand to use for dampening? (Off Topic)

by fu_man @, Thursday, March 29, 2007, 02:19 (6259 days ago) @ GC

Thanks Guys,,
yes definitely will use dry sand, and clean.

I think the quartz sand is similar or a type of what we group as silica sand (in New Zealand) If it's used for the bottom of bird cages I guess it is quite co****.
The proprietary processed sands we get here are generally either a co**** angular sand for bedding paving unit, and a fine rounded, "high flow" sand for filling the joints between pavers.
The other option I have is a black iron sand.

I guess the benefit of the co****r sand in paving applications is that it compacts better, (and better drainage) This may relate to what you say about it settling to a semi solid? perhaps this slight 'lock together' is useful given what one guy I know says: "Sand, tends to "flow" and move around, absorbing low level info"...."Sand, however, is a "fluid" material & IMO not entirely ideal for damping...altho it does get into all crevices. I used to only partially fill my stands, so as not to kill the "dynamic" entirely, only sufficient to stop steel tubes ringing..."

Perhaps the smooth fine rounded sands absorb more /too much energy?

I have also heard recommendations of using a combination of sand, and steel shot, or equal portions of fine sand gravel and shot. Anyone tried this?


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