T-amps (Off Topic)

by Giovanni, Ravenna, Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 23:21 (6273 days ago) @ Rudolf150

Hi Rudolph,

Never heard ARC 150.2, too busy to build my own Tripath amps :grin: . But I own this too:


It is an american car amp, but has the same chip as 150.2 (mine is TA0102A while 150.2 has TA0105A that only supports higher voltages). It has a well designed board, but I still have to get rid of all that output filtering used in car amps. Listening to it "as is" I can understand it has "something more".

My only good tube amp reference are my brother's Dr. Klimo' Merlin pre + Kent power amps. My Tripath amps hold the comparison. Better instruments timbers and cleaner sounds with valves, more details and surprising dynamics extension with Tripath (I don't bother you with other differences).

However I've the feeling that my speakers are not enough good for Tripath potential. Reading in this forum the enthusiast opinions about the small SI T-amp (nothing special by me), I understand that with your very efficient speakers you go further.

In other forums I always discover that many Tripath detractors have inefficient speakers, or listen to bum bum music. More often both. :wink:


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