Playing with colors...and standards (BD-Design)

by GC, Monday, March 12, 2007, 07:35 (6273 days ago) @ Bert
edited by GC, Monday, March 12, 2007, 07:41

Hi Bert

Always thought it would be nice with a few a few standard colors for your horns and a few standard veneers for your cabinets.

The shown could be one of them together with your "pearl".

Your painter could maybe together with you, find say the most "likeable", eventhough I know how difficult it is to target peoples taste for colors etc.
But much info could be explored from the car industry.

With a few standard options for both horns and cabinets, people could shuffle the cards as to their likes.

Little bit off this topic, but still within line of the obove philosophy:

My own Swings came with Pearl Horns and oil/polished cherrybery veneer acc. to my order and taste.
I wanted the veneer to darken over time and wouldn't like a laque with a light-block'er (anti-ultraviolet light). Hence the choice of oil.
By a closer thought, the veneer should maybe have had a bit shine as to match the horns a dash better in that respect. The color contrast on the contrary is becomming better and better every day as the cherrybery darkens.

The day the darkening process has settled, I will post a before/after pic.



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