Onken Plan use hivi-research W12 speaker (Off Topic)

by GC, Thursday, November 03, 2005, 08:23 (6760 days ago)

i want to build Onken using other speaker, not vifa wp25-08-09. the speaker technical data is:
hi-vi W12
Fs - 28 Hz, Re - 6.5 ohm, Mms - 89.7 gr., BL - 14.1, Qts - 0.42, Qes - 0.52, Qms - 2.16, Vas - 156 liter, Sd - 34 cm2, Sensitivity - 90dB/2,83V/1m, Power - 150Watt

i calculated it using Onken-calc, the result is similer to vifa wp25-08-09.
l'cent also is about 50cm, and the aligment "n" is also about 9. so, can i use this component to build a onken speaker?

BTW,i'm chinese, so pls forgive me for poor english expression.
thank you!


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