BD15 as a subwoofer. (BD-Design)

by GC ⌂ @, Ottawa, Canada, Tuesday, January 09, 2007, 12:13 (6323 days ago) @ GC

Hi Dmitry
Have look here at my post below. It was a long search but I ended up with
the Sugden A21a

Thank you for the link. Sugden A21a is a respectable choice :).
Why didn't you go with Bert's BD30's? To be able to sale it easier in needed?

My speakers are similar to yours. Same DX-4 in back loaded horn (Passion) powered by SE tube amp (Obsession) ( I'd want to add BD15 based subs to the system and, assume, would need something similar to Sugden A21a or BD30. Both are costly. Did you consider any tube DIY amps for this?



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